Wednesday, June 11, 2014

[Submission] Sally the Streptomyces

The following submission was made by Sally the Streptomyces.

I was born into the family of streptomyces and apparently we are all disabled and cannot move around. It looks like our motility is in our genetic and has run down for the whole generation. I got some problems with this in my school. a lot of my friends tease me about my hyphae... They also tease me because i don't have flagella as they do...but one time, there's an azotobacter mocked me when i got my day of the month, when i release my spore. I gott angry and i sprayed my antibiotics on him and he CRIES so loud until the teacher, Lactobacillus came and punish usi still hate him until this day...

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Please state whether you are:
- Gram Postive/Negative
- Catalase Positive/Negative
- A Bacillus
- Missing a flagellum