Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bacillus - They are LOUD!

Ever since the early days on the agar I always hear the same conversation everywhere. Bacillus this, bacillus that, how come they're always in the spotlight?!! I knew this bacillus once from school, I think his name was Tom, Thomas, Tony? I forgot. Anyways, from day one everyone always praises him for his long, filamentous flagella that protruded from his face as if it was a symbol of superiority. I mean back from what I remembered in PE, all he does is he tumbles from here and there.

This post basically shows my early experience with bacillus.

Back then, I was writing a post on my Peptidobook profile in the library. Then there was this filthy, extremely loud group of bacillus rods entering MY corner of the library. It was MY corner and I was an azotobacter I demand privacy. Without me no one would be able to fix the nitrogen on the plate.  So as the bacillus mumbled with their flagellum loud in the air making annoying sounds I respectfully told the group bacillus leader, the biggest bacillus of them all.

"Excuse me, it IS the library. Please be quiet."

But they did the bacillus thing again. Complete disregard. Anyways I kept on bumping with the same bacillus group that I had to find another spot. The azotobacter spot.

That's it for now.


  1. funny there, dear azotobacter, but you remind me of a another dear friend of mine who has the same problem in encountering a bunch of noisy and annoying people. I think you and Gunther might have been related to one another..

    Toodles to you Mr Azotobacter, you sound really English if I might presume.

  2. Hi Cranium!
    It sure is nice hearing from bacteria like you.
    Do you have a flagellum?

    - Yumi


Hi there commenter!

Please state whether you are:
- Gram Postive/Negative
- Catalase Positive/Negative
- A Bacillus
- Missing a flagellum